Chestnut forest preservation in Misox (Soazza GR)
Description: The aim of Fondazione Mont Grand is to enhance the landscape of the mountain pasture of Mont Grand near Soazza, where groups of houses are scattered here and there. The foundation takes care of the characteristic sparse chestnut woods, maintains the historic buildings, provides knowledge about biodiversity and cultural history through educational activities and is committed to sustainable tourism. The chestnut forests represent a traditional form of land use that was widespread until after the Second World War and has since been largely abandoned.
Type of Work: The volunteers take care of the chestnut forests. The work mainly involves grass cutting and haymaking between the trees. Sometimes it can be a bit repetitive but the result will make you feel satisfied. Under certain circumstances, it may also be possible to carry out other landscape conservation work, such as clearing the bushes, collecting stones, etc. Be aware that the work is physically demanding and that the land is very steep!
Study Theme: On the one hand the volunteers will get to know all the projects of the Fondazione directly on site during a half-day excursion. On the other hand the volunteers will receive information on botany, biodiversity, history and cultural landscape management during their work.
Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated in a mountain-house. Mattresses and pillows are available. There are sufficient toilets and also showers with hot water. There is no washing machine available. And there is no internet access except through mobile phones (providers Swisscom & Sunrise) – be aware that in Switzerland there are high roaming costs. The volunteers will prepare their own food. Whether they will also shop themselves or give the workcamp hosting partner a shopping list will be decided in the workcamp.
Language: The local language is Italian. Camp language will be English.
Requirements: The volunteers must bring their own sleeping bag, sturdy mountain boots, clothes for working, raingear (a waterproof jacket etc.), as well as clothing suitable for sunny weather. There are a lot of ticks in the area, so it is advisable to bring working gloves, tweezers, and/or tick repellents. Please also be aware that there are small friendly and shy lizards and some insects around the house.
Notes: The project promotes biodiversity and knowledge about local history and therefore meets SCI Switzerland's goals to support nature and landscape preservation and the conservation of local traditions.
Some food can be obtained from regional and sustainable resources (e.g. eggs, some meat and cheese) – we recommend you to limit your meat consumption, so as to contribute to the camp’s principle of sustainability.
INCOMING/ADDITIONAL FEE for volunteers applying via Partner organisations & Contacts of SCI: