HeartBeats for Historical Brewery
- Accommodation and food: 0.00 Euro
- Transportation: 0.00 Euro
- Activities: 0.00 Euro
- Hosting organisation support: 20 Euro

Description: This workcamp is organized in cooperation with the Association for the Renovation of the Brewery in Janovice which in 2018 took over the more than 200-year-old and neglected brewery in the village of Janovice in northern Moravia. This workcamp aims to reconstruct, revitalize and clean up the old brewery to fulfil the long-term goal of the association – to turn the brewery into a local cultural centre for residents of Janovice. At this workcamp, you will actively contribute to the achievement of UN SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Type of Work: The main task of this workcamp is the reconstruction of the historic wall that was once the edge of the horse stable on our property. The work of reconstructing a wall is not too exhausting and is suitable for all genders and ages; patience and determination are key qualities. In addition to this, smaller tasks such as removing the woody plants around the building, collecting rubbish, cleaning the cellars etc., are also on the agenda. Working boots are essential, and we recommend taking a headlamp or other flashlight.
Study Theme: Volunteers will start the workcamp with the workshop "Reconstruction of Historical Stone Walls". There will be a possibility to have a guided tour of the castle including a tour around the brewery, visit the local museum, the brocade production exhibition, or the region's outstanding Baroque sacred monument.
Accommodation: You will be accommodated in an apartment directly in the brewery. The apartment consists of a fully equipped kitchen, a living room, a bathroom with a shower and 2 toilets. Volunteers can sleep in the living room or there is also another smaller bedroom on matrasses in the sleeping bags. Bring your sleeping bag and a mat (and a small pillow if you need). The washing machine, dryer, hairdryer, shower gels and shampoos are available. Wifi is also available. The volunteers will cook the meals together in the equipped kitchen from the provided ingredients. Vegan/vegetarian meals are possible.
Requirements: Bring a sleeping bag and mat. We also recommend to pack a water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat.
Approximate Location: The workcamp takes place in Janovice near Rymarov in a protected landscape area of the Jeseniky mountains. Janovice is a small village with 670 inhabitants located in the foothills of Praded Mountain (the highest peak of Jeseniky Mountains), therefore offering many fantastic trips. There is a grocery store in the village and a good phone reception everywhere. The closest ATMs and pharmacies are located in the nearby town of Rymarov.
Notes: Beware of allergies: dust. The workcamp is open to everyone, the work can be adjusted to accommodate everyone’s physical ability.
Camp Photographs